Getting views on YouTube is not easy. It's the dream of many creators to get the views necessary for their videos to become popular and go viral. In this article, we'll explain how you can increase your views on YouTube, what are the steps you need to follow, and when it's best to do so.
Section A : Getting started with YouTube
Section B : The best time to post a new video depends on your channel type, audience and type of content you're creating.
Section C : You will want more people watching your videos in order for them to get the most visibility possible. So if it's something that's going viral right now (like a cat trying out its new sunglasses), then there will be more people watching that than other types of content such as a dog showing off their skills at playing soccer indoors or someone who just found out they were adopted from China yesterday! If it's not trending yet then there won't be enough people searching for that topic/topic type/keyword combination or whatever else might help drive traffic back into your channel page by making sure people know about it so they can click "subscribe" and start getting notified whenever there's new stuff posted about what I'm talking about here today."
Creating video content that people enjoy
To get views on YouTube, you will need to create video content that is relevant to your audience. This means that you should make videos that entertain them and help them learn something new. The most important thing is not being afraid of failure; instead of trying too hard or being perfect in your videos, just be yourself! You don't have to be like everyone else—and if you're going for an audience with younger viewers, it's unlikely they'll appreciate someone who acts like a robot from outer space when speaking through a microphone (even though many adult fans do). Instead of trying too hard for perfectionism sake, just focus on creating entertaining content that people enjoy watching!
Promoting your videos on other websites, including your own
Promoting your videos on other websites, including your own
Use social media, including Twitter and Facebook. Use the comments section on your videos to get feedback from viewers who haven’t seen them yet. Try using video marketing services like [YouTube Video Marketing]( Share your videos on other sites, like Reddit (or even this blog post!).
Maintaining a consistent posting schedule
Maintaining a consistent posting schedule.
It's important to post regularly on YouTube, but how often is the right amount? The answer is as individual as your channel and its content. If you're just starting out, it might make sense to post once per week; if you're an established artist with lots of viewers and subscribers, then daily updates will do the trick. However, no matter how often you post—or even if there are multiple days between posts—it's important that they're consistently high-quality videos (see below).
How much time should I spend doing each video?
The amount of time allocated for each video depends entirely on what kind of content fits into that particular day or hour slot in which they're posted: Some days require longer attention spans than others because they're more complicated or complex; other days may have fewer challenges but require more effort from both sides (you versus yourself). The point here isn't simply about finding balance between these two extremes; instead, it's about knowing when something needs more attention than others would be willing / able handle during their usual workday--and then figuring out how much "extra" sleep might be necessary before tackling it again tomorrow morning!
Creating compelling titles, thumbnails and descriptions
Title: The title of your video is the first thing people will see, so it’s important that it's descriptive and interesting. You can use keywords in your title or add a keyword tag, which is a word or phrase that appears next to or after your video title.
Thumbnail: The thumbnail for your video should be relevant and eye-catching. If possible, try to focus on one aspect of the video—for example, if you're creating an explainer video about how to write better copy, then maybe show just one section of text as part of its thumbnail instead of showing all three sections together like they would be when viewed normally (like this).
Descriptions: Don't forget about descriptions! They're also called tags because they appear at bottom right hand corner under each video with information such as date posted etc., but they're really important too because they help viewers decide whether or not they want watch more stuff by clicking play button right away without having read any other info before deciding whether something deserves attention from viewer anyway?
Being informed of the latest trends and news.
Staying up to date on the latest trends and news is key to keeping your subscribers engaged. You want to make sure you're always watching what's popular in your niche, so that you can learn how to do it yourself.
Look at the latest trends in your niche: What are people talking about? What do they like doing? Who are their favorite personalities/channels? Are there any good examples of how they're doing things or saying things (e.g., "This person should be on this show").
Look at the latest news stories and events in your niche: If there's an event coming up soon that relates directly with what you're making videos about (like an awards show, a holiday), spend some time reading up on it before planning out content for later! This will help inform future episodes as well as give viewers something new every week instead of just another video about cats playing guitar soloing songs from Nirvana's Nevermind album from 1994."
You don't have to be a big star to get big views.
You don't have to be a big star to get big views.
You need to create high quality content that your viewers will want and enjoy watching.
You need to promote your videos on social media, as well as share them with friends and family so they can also watch them.
Stay up-to-date with the latest trends in order for your channel's content not only look good but also be relevant for your audience's interests and demographics (age group, gender). This will help you stand out from other channels who might have less variety but higher numbers of subscribers because they are catering specifically towards those audiences instead of trying something else entirely different which could end up being less effective overall due to having fewer people following along with what's going on."
We hope this article has helped you understand how to get more views on your YouTube videos. As we've shown, there are many different factors that can affect the success of your video and some of them are completely out of your control. But by staying up-to-date with the latest trends in SEO and social media marketing, you'll be able to take advantage of new and exciting ways to promote yourself online.